Could you introduce yourself?
I am a columnist for L'Etiquette, Le Figaro and L'Équipe Mag. I have a passion for clothing and sports, and I mainly write about these two subjects.
Could you introduce us to this piece? Where does it come from? When was it made?
It's a pair of Belstaff motorcycle gloves. She is over 10 years old, I bought it in one of the dozens of motorcycle stores on the Boulevard Beaumarchais in Paris. I don't remember which one, I think I went through almost all of them to find it. I didn't want any other.
How did you find it?
I was looking for a pair of gloves to ride two wheels and like every time I want to buy a new garment, it starts with a research on the web. And then I realized how ugly all motorcycle clothes are. Except these gloves, I liked their simplicity, the caramel color and the little English flag on the wrist. Even the tartan lining on the inside appealed to me. They are a bit anachronistic and they go well with denim, which I usually wear a lot.
Do you remember the first time you wore it?
One minute after I bought them! Climbing on my scooter, and after that they never let me go. Even in the winter, when they are not lined. I had cold hands for a long time because I didn't want to wear any others.
What are your memories of this piece?
Being on two wheels in Paris, which for me who didn't grow up in Paris is always very pleasant and the best way to make the city my own.
Are there any signs of wear? Have you ever repaired this piece?
Yes plenty. It has darkened and patinated everywhere it has rubbed, mostly on the inside of the fingers and hand. It's had a few falls too (nothing serious), and I don't really take care of it. I guess they need to be fed with moisturizer etc, but I've always been so lazy.
When do you usually wear it? Do you remember the last time you wore it?
Whenever I'm on two wheels in the summer and when it's not cold. The rest of the time I wear a warmer, waterproof pair. The last time I put them on was yesterday.

Belstaff motorcycle gloves
Worn for 10 years